Wow macros warrior arms tanking

World of Warcraft Tanking Guide
Arms Warrior Macro | Mikes Wow Macros
Recent comments: Updated, thanks! on: View comment: One-button Cat Form /cast [stance:0/1/4/5/6] Cat Form (Shapeshift) This is the issue, change it to /cast [stance:0
Macros are extremely useful tools to use a string of abilities on one nifty button. This is even more useful to Warriors who have to “stance dance” to use certain

Our Warrior guide is updated for Mists of Pandaria and will help your Warrior to level faster, put out more damage, and slay the opposition in Pve and PvP.
Intro to Arms Warrior Macro. OK Spamming these macros I did 36k dps on the 3 dummys in stormwind. This for MOP (Mist of Pandaria) patch 5.0.4.
Wow macros warrior arms tanking
Wow macros warrior arms tanking
Warrior Tanking StatsWoW Warrior Macros - TankSpot - World of.
WoW Warrior Guides -
Macros: Charge and Hamstring: #showtooltip Charge /cancelaura Bladestorm /cast [nostance:1] Battle Stance /cast Charge /cast Auto Attack /cast Hamstring
This is an updated and reformatted post of my WoW Forums -> 2.X Warrior Macros TankSpot - Warcraft Warrior's Reference - Mozman Macros Tell me how you want this
Wow Macros | Macros for WoW Warriors,.
Warrior Tank Guide Tanking Tips WoW .